We enhance digital capabilities through excellent research.
The SCDI Twin Transition Initiative
As part of the Wallenberg Digital Innovation Program, SCDI is now expanding its research in the intersection of digital- and sustainable transformation.
Latest posts
- Digital transformation executive programsSCDI is engaged in several executive programs through Adda, targeted for the public sector in Sweden. Covering diverse issues such as digital transformation, twin transition, data governance and much more. For additional information, please see below. Public sector digital transformation for executives Leading public sector digital transformation Leading public sector digital…
- New executive program in twin transitionSCDI is, through the Urban Twin Transition Program, spearheading a twin transition in Swedish urban areas. Through utilizing digital transformation as a driver of green transition, we are creating the pre-requisites for rapid scaling of existing net-zero solutions to Swedish municipalities and regions, decreasing GHG emissions with 20% by 2026. As…
- SCDI@AlmedalenSCDI will be present at the annual gathering of policy-makers in Almedalen, Sweden. During almost a full week, there will be seminars, round-tables and events all designed to provide policy-makers with key insights into what is needed to safeguard a prosperous future. SCDI will participate in several panels and seminars on…
In the spotlight
Olgerta was born and grew up in Korça, a nice city situated in the southeast of Albania. She lived for several years in Tirana, where she graduated from the University of Tirana with a Bachelor in Business Informatics. She is now living and working in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Olgerta Tona recently received the Börje Langefors award for best doctoral dissertation in Information Systems
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The Swedish Center for Digital Innovation is a joint-university initiative between the University of Gothenburg, Stockholm School of Economics and Umeå University.
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