The integration of SDGs in digital transformation

In a recent study, researchers from SCDI have mapped the integration of SDGs in digital transformation initiatives. By analyzing the effect goals of a large amount of initiatives, Livia Norström, Vasili Mankevich and Johan Magnusson have been able to identify clear patterns of a biased integration and sub-optimization of effect goal formulation and internal prioritization practices in a large city.

The study has resulted in several papers currently under review, as well as a report directed at increasing the integration of SDGs as well as a forthcoming op-ed. The work will now continue through building the necessary functionality into a new research-based solution for portfolio management in the public sector, to be released during the summer through the Digital Government Research Consortium. The idea of the solution is both to support purposive digital transformation in the public sector, as well as funnel a continuous stream of data from all public digital transformation initiatives into research.