CDI-HOI RICK Workshop on Digital Service Innovation

SSE House of Innovation and Cambridge Digital Innovation are co-organizing a Research Impact and Contributions to Knowledge (RICK) workshop on 11 December 2019, at Cambridge, UK.

The workshop will explore :

Service innovation in the digital age continues to deliver significant success for both organisations and customers. Digital entrepreneurs have pushed the boundaries of business models to deliver services to customers in ways not envisaged as little as a decade ago. Incumbents have had to react to these innovations both strategically and operationally as they attempt to adapt to the changing landscape of a digital age and the resultant increase in competition. The paradox of simple service delivery and increased ecosystem complexity mean that understanding how digital service innovation is designed, delivered and sustained is increasingly necessary to survive today. In this RICK ‘19 workshop we aim to explore these and related topics, helping to conceptualise, understand, and support digital service innovation. A focus is to provide the foundation for furthering research while supporting impact in practice and policy.