Theorizing the Digital: Foundational debates

This is a PhD-level course organized by the University of Gothenburg (IT00022) and structured around key debates on digital technologies in the fields of Information Systems, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), and Learning, Communication, and IT (LCIT). What affects technological design and use, its organization, social relations, and imaginaries?

For each topic, we discuss original papers’ contributions to a debate and how contemporary papers build on and diverge from these.

The objective of the course is twofold. First, students will develop knowledge of foundational topics and theories influential in understanding technologies and the digital. The course covers five topics: (1) institutions, (2) artifacts, data and the digital object, (3) practice, (4) systems and assemblages, and finally, (5) design. Second, the course will engage students with several generic academic skills such as presenting and summarizing papers, critiquing and arguing for theories and their application to digital technologies, and disseminating academic knowledge beyond academia.

The course is entirely virtual. 

The students will interact with a lineup of leading international researchers in the topical fields during the course.

For additional information, please see the course syllabus.

If you want to participate in the course, please apply before June 16th. Here is a link to the registration site at GU site (for Swedish doctoral candidates).

If you are not a Swedish doctoral candidate, you can use this form to contact us.

The course is free of tuition.

For additional information, please feel free to contact us.
Daniel Curto-Millet, SCDI, University of Gothenburg
Juho Lindman, SCDI, University of Gothenburg